A little Comfort for Autumn Days.

Having spent a lot of time working on my garden and the outside of my home recently, as the nights draw in my thoughts are now turning to the inside.

Comforting, cosy casual creations are at the forefront of my mind. I need to do some nest-building before the winter comes. Do any of you feel this way?

For a long time now I have been wanting to replace the rather shabby stair carpet with a runner. I managed to track down a roll of wonderful vintage linen, woven in a herringbone design with a single stripe down the middle. I am in the process of painting the stairs and will post some photos of it soon. Here are a couple of inspiration photos that have been keeping me motivated.

 And a little more loveliness for the home...........................................................................................................................................................

Isn't this a lovely spot to sit and read to your child, or even yourself?

I hope you enjoyed my gathered images of  comfort? All the images were found here.

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